Type Deduction

If you have been following the advice of Herb Sutter to almost always use auto, then you will have had much experience with type deduction. For the most part, type deduction just works as you'd expect, but there are cases where things might snag you.

Here is my template for the following explanation:

template<typename T>
void fun(ParamType t);


In the following explanation, I will refer to expr as the expression passed to the function. T as the deduced type of the function, and ParamType as the adorned type used as the argument for the function. For example:

template<typename T>
void fun(const T& t);


expr is 10 which has a type of int, ParamType is const T&, and T will be deduced to int.

Type Deduction Rules:

  • Modifiers specified in ParamType are lost by the type deduction of T
    • So if ParamType is T&, any lvalue references passed in to the function will have a deduced type which doesn't include the reference. So passing in const int&, T will be const int. In this example, rvalue references would not be able to be bound.
    • If ParamType is const T&, then passing in a const int, T will be deduced to be int, not const int
  • If expr is a reference, the reference part is ignored
  • If ParamType is a universal reference and expr is a lvalue then T is deduced to be an lvalue references. This is the only time type deduction deduces a reference
  • If ParamType is just T (pass-by-value) constness, referenceness, and volatility is ignored.
  • If ParamType is a reference, and expr is an array, then T deduces the array's type. It doesn't decay into a pointer like normal. This applies to function pointers as well

auto type deduction mostly follows the same rules as above. You can think of auto as the T in template type deduction. One caveat is while template type deduction cannot deduce braces, auto type deduction can, and it will deduce as std::initializer_list. A function that returns auto follows template type deduction rules, not auto type deduction rules.

The best way to understand this is with examples:

// When I saw 'T is', I mean to say that 'T is replaced by'
void foo(T t);
void bar(const T& t);
void func(T&&);

std::vector<double> d;
const int c;
volatile bool b;
foo(5); //T is int
foo(c); //T is int

bar(c); //T is int
bar(5); //T is int
bar(b); //T is volatile bool
bar(d); //T is std::vector<double>

func(c); //T is const int&
func(d); //T is std::vector<double>&
func(55); //T is int

bar(std::string("...")); // error, cannot bind to rvalue reference
// Once again when I say "auto becomes", I mean to say that "auto is replaced by" as if
// auto was "T" in the above example

std::vector<double> d;
const int c;
volatile bool b;

auto& f = c; //auto becomes const int
auto&& d2 = d; //auto becomes std::vector<double>&
// auto&& is a universal reference

const auto v = b; //auto becomes bool
const auto& v2 = b; //auto becomes volatile bool
//when I mean "auto becomes" I essentially 
//mean it's as if you typed this:
const volatile bool& v2 = b;

auto initList = {10, 20, 30, 40}; //std::initializer_list<int>
std::vector v = {10, 20, 30, 40}; //std::vector<int>
auto vec = std::vector{10, 20, 30, 40};

auto& v2 = v;
// auto becomes std::vector<int>
// so v2 is an std::vector<int>&

The decltype rules are very simple. It produces the exact type of the expression passed. We can use decltype rules in place of auto or template rules for variables and return values with the syntax decltype(auto).

auto operator[](int index) {
    return c[index];
    // template type deduction rules
    // since auto lacks any reference, it is returned by-value
    // so we can't use operator[] to assign values

auto& operator[](int index) {
    return c[index];
    // returns lvalue reference

auto&& operator[](int index) {
    return c[index];
    // returns lvalue reference
    // auto&& is a universal reference

decltype(auto) operator[](int index) {
    return c[index];
    // returns lvalue reference
    // return type of operator[] is an lvalue reference

int c = 100;
auto d = c; // auto is int
decltype(c) d = c; // type is int
decltype(auto) e = c; // type is int

int& get(int & i) {
    return i;

auto f = get(c); // auto is int
decltype(auto) g = get(c); // type is int&

int i;
int&& f();

auto x3a = i;                  // decltype(x3a) is int
decltype(auto) x3d = i;        // decltype(x3d) is int
auto x4a = (i);                // decltype(x4a) is int
decltype(auto) x4d = (i);      // decltype(x4d) is int&
auto x5a = f();                // decltype(x5a) is int
decltype(auto) x5d = f();      // decltype(x5d) is int&&
auto x6a = { 1, 2 };           // decltype(x6a) is std::initializer_list<int>
decltype(auto) x6d = { 1, 2 }; // error, { 1, 2 } is not an expression (only auto deduces braces to initializer list)
auto *x7a = &i;                // decltype(x7a) is int*
decltype(auto)*x7d = &i;       // error, declared type is not plain decltype(auto)

So with this knowledge, let's look at the following example:

template<typename T>
auto make_unique_cpy(T&& t) {
    using Type = std::remove_reference_t<T>; 
    return std::unique_ptr<Type>(new Type(std::forward<T>(t)));

If a lvalue is passed to make_unique_simple, then T will be deduced to a lvalue reference. Since we can't create a pointer to a reference, we must use std::remove_reference_t to ensure that the type being passed to unique_ptr and new is not a reference.

During type deduction, there may be cases where a reference to a reference is produced. Since such double references are illegal, the compiler follows the rules of reference collapsing to produce a single reference. This can occur when using decltype, type aliases, or during type deduction, for example. When a reference to a reference is produced:

  • If either references is a lvalue references, the result is a lvalue reference
  • Otherwise, the expression collapses to a rvalue reference.
template<typename T>
auto func(T&& param) {
    const T&& p2 = param;
    // since const is used
    // p2 is not a universal reference

std::string name = "Hello";

// T deduced to std::string&
// type of p2 becomes const std::string& &&
// type of p2 collapses to const std::string&

// T deduced to be int
// type of p2 becomes const int &&