Concepts and Type Traits

In C++20, concepts and constraints are a direct language feature. However, the idea of a concept has long existed before then. Consider the following function:

template<typename T, typename U>
U sum(const T& container, U initialValue) {
    // another example of making the compiler do the copy for us
    for(auto e : container) {
        initialValue += e;
    return initialValue;

What is required from T and U? Well U needs to define operator+=, and that operator must take a U as the first parameter and whatever type is returned from dereferencing an iterator to T. T must be iterable by defining a begin() and end() function and that iterator must return a type that is implicitly convertible to U or U must provide an overload of operator+= so that it takes whatever is "contained" in T. These requirements form the concepts that T and U must implement.

Templates allow for generic programming and parametric polymorphism, which allows a single code implementation to be used with multiple classes.

Earlier I discussed how the types passed to our LList<T> class needed to be default constructable and copyable. These are two major criteria for the Regular concept which among being default constructable and copyable also needs to be comparable with == and !=.

The type_traits header provides many helpers to query types or the adherence of a type to a certain quality. Traits that end in _v "return" values, and those that end in _t "return" types. These "helpers" are not actually functions but rather template constexpr variables or type aliases in structs. Therefore, the results of these queries are available at compile time.

std::is_default_constructable_v<std::string>; // true
// is_default_constructable is a template struct
// so the above is shorthand for:

std::is_fundamental_v<char>; // true
std::is_arithmetic_v<int>; // true
std::is_same_v<int, const int>; // false
std::is_floating_point_v<long long>; // false
std::is_signed_v<unsigned>; // false

std::rank_v<int(&)[3]>; // 1 - dimensions of array type

std::is_base_of_v<Base, Derived>; // true

using typ = std::remove_cv_t<const bool>; // bool
// once again, shorthand for
std::remove_cv<const bool>::type;

enum class myEnum {}
std::underlying_type_t<myEnum>; // int

cppreference has a list of all of them. Now how do these work? I won't explain the full story just yet, but they can use template specialization behind the scenes. Let's create a simple is_bool type trait.

template<typename T>
struct is_bool {
    inline constexpr static auto value = false;
    // inline so redefinitions are allowed in a program

struct is_bool<bool> {
    inline constexpr static auto value = true;

template<typename T>
inline constexpr auto is_bool_v = is_bool<T>::value;

is_bool is specialized so that when T is bool its value member will be true. Now what about const bool or bool& or const bool&? Since these are distinct types from bool, they'll fall into the unspecialized version of is_bool and value will be false. One solution would be to pass the argument into std::remove_reference_t and std::remove_cv_t prior to passing it to is_bool_v.

template<typename T>
using strip_t = std::remove_cv_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
// order matters here, remove_cv removes the top level const and volatile qualifiers

remove_cv_t<int * const volatile>; // int* because const and volatile apply to the pointer
remove_cv_t<const volatile int *>; // const volatile int * because const and volatile apply to the data

is_bool_v<strip_t<const bool &>>; // true
is_bool_v<const bool>; // false

template<typename T>
inline constexpr auto is_bool2_v = std::is_same_v<T, bool>;

There's a bunch more type traits in the STL that can be found here. Now that we have these traits, the most basic approach to enforcing adherence of template parameters to a concept is with static_cast.

template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
V sum(T a, U b) {
    static_cast(std::is_arithmetic_v<T> && std::is_arithmetic_v<U>,
        "Sum passed non arithmetic types");
    return a + b;

This incurs no runtime penalty since the check happens during compilation.

A better approach is to use std::enable_if_t. As the name might suggest, the main usage of this is to conditionally enable functions. How this works is by replacing the entire statement with the second template type parameter if the first template parameter evaluates to a true condition at compile time. Then you can specify the return type of the function to be an enable_if_t expression. If the function is called with template parameters that make the condition true, all is well since the return type will be the second template argument to std::enable_if_t. Otherwise, the enable_if effectively prevents the instantiation of the function template causing the compiler to complain that the function doesn't exist. Not as clear as an error message as you'd get in C++ 20 with concepts and constraints, but trust me it's far nicer than some monstrosities you might receive without it. You can omit the second type parameter to enable_if, in that case it defaults to void.

The default type for the second template argument is void.

template<typename T, typename U>
constexpr inline auto are_arithmetic_v = std::is_arithmetic_v<strip_t<T>> && 

template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
std::enable_if_t<are_arithmetic_v<T, U>, V>
sum(T a, U b) {
    return a + b;
// sum returns type V if `are_arithmetic_v<T, U>` is true

// same thing with trailing return type
template<typename T, typename U, typename V>
auto sum2(T a, U b) -> std::enable_if_t<are_arithmetic_v<T, U>, V>
    return a + b;
This is not type deduction, the auto doesn't mean auto like normal
but instead its syntax for trailing return type
the return type of the function is specified after it using a ->
allows the parameters to be used in the return type

A trailing return type is most useful with decltype() which "returns" the type of the expression passed to it. The expression passed is not evaluated, but instead the compiler figures out what the type of the expression is and replaces the decltype expression with this type during compilation. Thus, it incurs no runtime penalty.

template<typename T>
auto getIter(const T& container) -> decltype(container.begin()) {
    return container.begin();
// Of course the trailing return type here isn't necessary

template<typename T>
auto getIter(const T& container) {
    decltype(*container.begin()) acc = 0;
    // auto will deduce to int, but we want the type to be whatever container holds
    for (e : container) {
        acc += e;
    return acc;

So how does all this work? By a language feature known as SFINAE which stands for specialization failure is not an error. Basically, if instantiating a template causes an error, the compiler will look for another template specialization. If no other template is found, it complains that it can't find the class or function.

I think it's best to start with an example.

template<typename T, typename = void>
struct SFINAE : std::false_type {};
// primary definition
// 2 template arguments, the second is unnamed and defaulted to void

template<typename T>
struct SFINAE<T, std::void_t<typename T::type>> : std::true_type {}; 
// 1 template argument specialization
// instantiates if T has a member type alias called type

enum e {};

//good (second declaration) bc std::underlying_type<e> has a type alias called type

// error (first declaration) bc std::string does not have an alias type

Let's walk this through. First we create our default struct which inherits false_type so that it has a constant member value that is false. This is the primary definition. The typename = void is somewhat odd, but all it's doing is creating a template with two parameters, where the second one is unnamed and defaults to void. This allows code to reach this version of the struct SFINAE if the specialization fails. Then we create a specialization. The specialization subtypes std::true_type to get a constexpr member value that's true.

For the second template argument of the specialization, we pass T::type to std::void_t. If the type arguments of std::void_t (multiple can be passed) are valid, std::void_t is substituted with void. If it isn't, then specialization fails. We need the typename keyword whenever we are accessing a type alias which is part of a template type.

struct MyStruct {
    using name = int;

template<typename T>
auto test() {
    typename T::type t_type; // accessing alias of template parameter, need typename keyword
    typename std::vector<T>::iterator it; // std::vector<T> is a template, need typename keyword
    std::vector<int>::iterator it2; // no keyword needed
    MyStruct::name i; // also no keyword

So if T contains a type alias called type, then std::void_t will be substituted with void and the specialization will succeed. Otherwise, the specialization fails, and the next best specialization is chosen. When we use these structs, we'll only pass 1 type parameter. Thus, the compiler will first try to instantiate the better matching specialization (1 template parameter) before trying to instantiate the next best match (2 template parameters with one of them defaulted).

template<typename T, typename = void>
struct IsThreadDestructionPolicy : std::false_type {};

template<typename T>
struct IsThreadDestructionPolicy<T,
    >> : std::true_type {};

Think of std::void_t<... Ts> as "try to instantiate" the following types. In actuality, void_t is a usage of SFINAE itself. In this example, what we try to instantiate is the return type of the function onThreadDestroy. It's static and takes a reference to a thread. In order to get the proper function signature, we must somehow "construct" an object of the type it expects and pass this object to it at compile time. That's basically what std::declval<T>() does. std::declval cannot be ODR-used, so it is only applicable in unevaluated contexts such as template arguments. Note that to get a reference of T, like we need here, you must explicitly request it by putting an & in the brackets. Sizeof() is another unevaluated context: it does not actually evaluate whatever expression you pass to is.

Now what if for some type T, it doesn't have the function onThreadDestroy? Well, we get a specialization failure, and by the name of SFINAE this does not halt compilation, rather it just goes on to the next possible instantiation which is the struct that inherits from false_type. This is why our primary definition needed that second parameter. We need a parameter to put the std::void_t to see if we can resolve a correct type. If we can't, because this second parameter is defaulted, the compiler will then choose the less restricting primary definition of the struct. It won't choose this first, because our users will only supply one type parameter, and a specialization taking one parameter will be chosen over one in which it takes a second, defaulted argument.

Let's create a struct to check if a type implements an iterable concept. We'll check the type has begin() and end() member functions and that whatever returned from those functions is incrementable, dereferenceable, and comparable with == and !=. As we'll soon see, there's a better way to check if a type is an interator, and these requirements don't even cover all our bases.

template<typename T, typename = void>
struct IsIterable : std::false_type {};

template<typename T>
using iter_t = decltype(std::declval<T&>().begin());

template<typename T>
struct IsIterable<T, std::void_t<
        decltype(std::declval<iter_t<T>>() == std::declval<iter_t<T>>()),
        decltype(std::declval<iter_t<T>>() != std::declval<iter_t<T>>()),
    >> : std::true_type {};

template<typename T>
constexpr inline auto is_iterable_v = IsIterable<T>::value 
    && std::is_default_constructible_v<iter_t<T>>
    && std::is_copy_constructible_v<iter_t<T>> 
    && std::is_copy_assignable_v<iter_t<T>>
    && std::is_swappable_v<iter_t<T>>;

template<typename T>
auto printContainer(const T& container) -> std::enable_if_t<is_iterable_v<T>>
    std::cout << "[";
    for (auto e : container) {
        std::cout << e << ", ";
    std::cout << "]\n";

const std::vector v = {10, 20, 30, 40};
const std::string s = "Hello World";
const char * str = "Hiya";

printContainer(str); // error!

Why is this useful? Well, try uncommenting the trailing return type with enable_if_t and calling printContainer(100). See what error message you get. Trust me it gets way worse when there's nested template functions used in multiple source files across a project that has thousands of lines of code. In Visual Studio, the linter will also be able to pick up on violating enable_if the second you type the function call.

Here's another example

template<typename T, typename = void>
struct IsThreadInterruptionPolicy 
: std::false_type {};

template<typename T>
struct IsThreadInterruptionPolicy<T,
        std::is_same_v<T, InterruptableThreadPolicy> || 
        std::is_same_v<T, UninterruptableThreadPolicy>
    : std::true_type {};

Here we use std::enable_if which is a struct that defines a member type if the first template parameter is true. If the first argument to enable_if is false, then it doesn't have a member alias named type and the specialization will fail. std::enable_ifand std::void_t work very similarly, the difference is enable_if takes a boolean or boolean expression while std::void_t takes a type or list of types. Instead of having to type typename std::enable_if</*...*/>::type or typename std::void</*...*/>::type we use std::enable_if_t and std::void_t respectively. Of course in C++17 this whole example can simply be written as:

template<typename T>
constexpr inline auto is_thread_interruptable_policy_v = 
    std::is_same_v<T, InterruptableThreadPolicy> || 
    std::is_same_v<T, UninterruptableThreadPolicy>;

Let's see another example of SFINAE. Here it's used to ensure that only certain types are passed and to get a friendlier compiler error if these conditions are violated.

* Enables a function at compile time if all 
* the type parameters are integral types or vectors
* @param <T> typename to check if it is an integer or 
* vector type
* @param <ReturnType> defaults to std::vector<uint8_t>, 
*   the return type of the function if enabled
template<typename T, 
typename ReturnType = std::vector<uint8_t>>
using requires_int_or_vec = std::enable_if_t<
    is_int_or_vector<strip_t<T>>::value, ReturnType>;

template<typename T>
static constexpr auto convertToByteArray(const std::initializer_list<T>& numArray) 
    -> requires_int_or_vec<T> 
    std::vector<uint8_t> ret;
    ret.reserve(numArray.size() * sizeof(T));
    for (auto& v : numArray) {
        const std::vector<uint8_t> subArray 
            = convertToByteArray(v);
            subArray.begin(), subArray.end());
    return ret;

This will only compile if T is an int or vector/array like type. is_int_or_vector is a custom struct defined using SFINAE similar to my earlier example.

If C++ 20 is available to you, use C++ 20 concepts and requires clauses.

Let's recap:

  • decltype - gets the type of whatever expression is passed to it. Like sizeof, the expression passed is not actually evaluated but simply used for the compiler to figure out the type of said expression.
  • std::declval<T> - creates a "proto" T object that can be used in unevaluated contexts like decltype. Allows us to "call" member functions or functions taking a T in such unevaluated contexts. T need not be default constructable. If you needed T to be default constructable as well, you could use T(), however this would always return a prvalue.
  • std::void_t<T, ...> - if all the types passed as template arguments are valid, substitutes the entire expression with void. Otherwise, it fails to instantiate causing whatever template specialization it's used in to also fail to instantiate.
  • std::enable_if_t<Condition, Type> - if Condition is true, substitutes the entire expression for Type. Otherwise, it fails to instantiate causing whatever function it's used in to also fail to instantiate. Type defaults to void if it's not specified.

Let's look at one final example from our sum function we motivated this section with. This will build on the IsIterable example:

Original Function:

    template<typename T, typename U>
    U sum(const T& container, U initialValue) {
        for(auto e : container) {
            initialValue += e;
        return initialValue;

template<typename T, typename U, typename = void>
struct IsSummable : std::false_type {};

template<typename T, typename U>
struct IsSummable<T, U, std::void_t<
    decltype(std::declval<T&>() += std::declval<U>()),
    decltype(std::declval<U&>() += std::declval<T>()),
    decltype(std::declval<T>() + std::declval<U>()),
    decltype(std::declval<U>() + std::declval<T>()),
>> : std::true_type {};

template<typename Container, typename Acc>
constexpr inline auto is_vector_summable_v = is_iterable_v<Container> &&
    IsSummable<decltype(*std::declval<iter_t<Container>>()), Acc>::value;

template<typename T, typename U>
auto sum(const T& container, U initialValue) 
    -> std::enable_if_t<is_vector_summable_v<T, U>, U> 
    for(auto e : container) {
        initialValue += e;
    return initialValue;

Possible Exercises

  1. Use SFINAE to ensure that the previous template classes are protected from misuse.