Project Oort

Jan 2022 - June 2023

Project Oort is a third-person space shooter game implemented in over 20k+ lines of Rust with OpenGL. You control a starfighter that must battle AI enemies in a zero-gravity asteroid field while managing the ship’s energy and shield.

Your ship is armed with a photon cannon, cloaking, and a gravity tether that allows you to swing from or pull asteroids or other ships.

There’s no deep aim of the game, the goal is to shoot down your enemies without getting shot down yourself. Note that, there is no atmosphere and therefore there is no drag that will slow down your ship. The ship moves at constant velocity unless accelerated or decelerated.

Controls: Left click to fire. Right-click to fire a grappling shot. T to turn invisible. W, S to accelerate forwards or backward, and mouse movement to control the rotation of the ship.

Shield: You have a shield, denoted by the blue number at the top left. If this goes to 0, your ship is destroyed and you will respawn somewhere randomly on the map. Your shield will regenerate slowly over time.

Energy: Denoted by the yellow number in the top left, your energy is necessary to fire lasers and accelerate your ship. Your energy will regenerate slowly over time.

Minimap: In the bottom right, you have a minimap to see where you are relative to lasers and asteroids. The minimap is a 2D projection of 3D space which is “top-down” respective to your camera angle.

Grappling Hook: You can fire a “hook shot” by pressing and holding right-click. Once landed on an object, a tether will be formed between the target object and the shooter. The distance between the shooter and the object will not exceed the distance between them when the tether was first formed. The amount a tethered object moves to ensure this depends on the momentum of each tethered object. To release the tether, release right-click.

Technical Implementations:

  • A Forward+ 1 physically based rendering engine that supports area lights, cascading shadow maps, soft shadows, animated models, and ray-marched volumetrics
  • A 3-phase collision detection system utilizing an Octree, Bounding Volume Hierarchy of Oriented Bounded Boxes, and triangle intersections parallelized with compute shaders. You can read more about this here.
  • A behavior tree AI and a modification of A* for pathfinding
  • Rigid Body Simulation with rotational motion

The graphics engine was designed, from the ground up using OpenGL. The general structure is built on a pipeline system of RenderPasses, RenderTargets and TextureProcessors. A RenderTarget is, well, a render target where objects are drawn to and (typically) produces a texture. A TextureProcessor is essentially a function on textures that takes input textures and may produce an output texture. To pass extra state between stages, each stage has read/write access to a pipeline cache. A RenderPass, strings together multiple RenderTargets and TextureProcessors, ordering them at the discretion of the Pipeline, which holds a dependency graph of the stages in the RenderPass. The Pipeline is defined by the user via a custom Rust DSL.

A Scene has a list of Entitys and RenderPasses. Each Entity can define general properties that a RenderPass can access to render the Entity properly, such as its required render order. A final Compositor can compose the results of multiple RenderPasses together.

I have a blog post about how my graphics engine handles transparent objects here. Below is a diagram of the relevant architecture:


I have a very detailed blog post about this here.

A rigid body simulation is used to handle the physics and collision resolution. Each rigid body is given a manually assigned mass or a manually assigned density. In the latter case, we can compute an estimated mass using the volume of the body’s bounding box. For each rigid body, we estimate an inertial tensor based on the vertices of the Rigid Body’s collision mesh.

Then at each step of the simulation, we determine the magnitude, direction, and point of application of the forces that are applied to each object. We then use the impulse-momentum theorem to compute changes in velocity. We subtract the point of application from the object’s center of mass to estimate a lever arm and compute an applied torque for the object. Using this and the inertial tensor, we compute a rotational angular velocity. I chose not to handle rotational velocity updates quite the same for the user-controlled ships for now, because it made the controls upon colliding with something feel unintuitive (ie. you lost control as the collision would impart a torque, rotating your ship).

For collision resolution, we compute a point of contact by averaging the centroids of colliding triangles and an impact force based on the momentum of colliding bodies.

The basic premise of the grappling hook is that if the two objects connected by the “cable” are too far apart, we essentially update the velocities of both objects by treating the cable being pulled as an elastic collision.

For the AI, a behavior tree is used to control the non-player enemy in the game. The behavior tree is built up of Sequence, Fallback, and ParallelSequence control nodes and custom action nodes for moving and firing. Pathfinding is done using a 3D implementation of A*, by tiling the 3D space into little cubes. Once a path has been computed, a simple local navigator just follows the path in segments of straight lines.
