
The goal of this project is to serve both as a resource for someone new to the language and a reference. For those learning the language for the first time, there's quite a bit of detail contained in this, and I wouldn't expect you to read all of it, much less know all of it from memory.

Through this guide we'll look briefly at tons of aspects of C++. My biggest goal is to at least guide you in the right direction for more information, or give you the names of somethings that might be able to help you during your programming journey. In my experience learning C++ on my own, I felt that I picked up some bad habits from having a less than ideal base knowledge. I don't claim this guide is the end-all, be-all, one stop best place to learn C++ (or even anywhere close to it), but my hope is that I'm able to relay some advice I gleaned from the experienced developers and resources I felt changed the way I write C++. Hopefully, I'm able to start you down a path of writing idiomatic and clean modern C++, and point you in the right direction towards more information. I also hope I'm able to start good software engineering habits in those newer to the field. See the other resources page for books that I think helped me a ton.

Please feel free to reach out with comments, criticisms, or questions, and let me know if you spot a typo, mistake, or other error.

- 08/19/2021

"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off."

- Bjarne Stroustrup